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Public Ballot (Local; HKID holders) 公眾抽籤 (本地參加者; 香港身份證持有人)

Participant Registration

Please note that registering for the “Public Ballot” does not guarantee a spot in the Event. ​ 請注意,登記「公眾抽籤」並不保證您能成功獲得活動名額。​

Participant Information 參加者資料


You are required to carry the original copy of your registered identification document with you on the race day. 您須於活動當天攜帶已登記的身份證明文件正本。

Declaration 聲明

Emergency Contact 緊急聯絡

Estimated Finishing Time 預計完成時間


Event T-Shirt 活動 T-裇

Health Condition Questionnaire 健康狀況問卷


All runners register for the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HK Section) Half Marathon 2024/25 (thereafter “the Race”), please read the questions below and answer each of them honestly. Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions.

1. 請就以下題目答「是」或「否」 Check YES or NO for the following question: *

內容根據康樂及文化事務署最新的《體能活動適應能力問卷》 體能活動適應能力問卷來源:The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology

Contents based on Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s latest 《Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire PAR-Q》 Source of the PAR-Q: The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology

2. 如果你的答案是一條或以上答「是」,你的身體狀況可能不適合參與賽事。 If you answered YES to one or more questions, your physical condition may not be suitable for taking part in the Race.


It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you talk with your doctor by phone or in person BEFORE you take part in the Race. Tell your doctor about the questions you answered YES and follow his/her advice.


You should take part in the Race only if your doctor advises you that you can do so without risk.

3. 安全建議 Recommendations


It is important to understand that Bank of China (Hong Kong) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HK Section) Half Marathon 2024/25 is a physically demanding endurance event. You should participate in the event only if you have been adequately prepared. If you experience any abnormal symptoms during the race, e.g. chest pain, dizziness, severe nausea, unusual shortness of breath, change in running form, confusion and disorientation, it is crucial that you immediately stop the race and seek medical assistance on the spot. Although you may feel it is more important to finish the race, your health should always be your top priority.

Waiver and Agreement 活動聲明

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